dimanche 12 juillet 2009

L’importance de la biodiversité dans les équilibres biologiques

Les associations entre les espèces dans le monde vivant nous donne une magnifique illustration depuis les espèces qui ne peuvent plus vivre les unes sans les autres aux espèces qui vivent au dépend des autres.

La symbiose ou l’art de vivre ensemble ou le mutualisme, relation qui peut s’effectuer entre les végétaux, animaux voire entre les deux. On peut citer comme exemple les lichens : c’est une symbiose entre un champignon et une algue, le champignon apporte le substrat, l’humidité et les sels minéraux, alors que l’algue verte assure la synthèse des composés carbonés.

Le commensalisme ou l’art de vivre sans nuire, autre type de relation entre les espèces, des algues vertes poussent parfois sur le dos d’un animal marin et dans ce cas, elles servent de camouflage pour ce dernier (protection).

L’antibiose, certaines espèces produisent des substances qui empêchent d’autres de se développer, par exemple, sur terre, sous un loyer de Juglans nigra, rien ne se pousse, les feuilles de cette plante émettent une substance à action toxique « la juglone ».

Le parasitisme est une autre forme de corrélation entre espèces, un parasite est tout animal ou végétal qui vit au dépend de son hôte. On peut citer comme exemple les cuscutes qui ont des feuilles dépourvues de chlorophylle et parasitent totalement la luzerne et le trèfle.

Un autre exemple des relations entre espèces : la prédation, qui s’agit de la relation la plus fondamentale en écologie où l’un des partenaires est « mangé » par l’autre.

Enfin la compétition, il existe une relation négative entre les espèces incompatible biologiquement, l’une des espèces ralentit le développement d’autre, c’est le principe de l’exclusion compétitive. Pour les écologistes, la compétition est la cause d’évolution, il est donc vrai qu’au cours de l’évolution, l’apparition de nouvelles espèces dans la biosphère a déclenché une compétition interspécifique dont le résultat aura été la disposition de certaines espèces et l’installation d’autres.

En conclusion, nous pouvons discerner l’importance de toutes les espèces existantes sur notre planète, c’est une association permanente et indissociable, c’est la biodiversité qu’on essaye de la protéger pour être protégés nous même.

Références : Anonyme 2005, cours de biodiversité et amélioration des plantes, institut de biologie, université de Blida.

mercredi 8 juillet 2009

الحماية القانونية للبيئة
هو الموضوع الذي ساطرحه عليكم لاحقا.اتمنى فقط المشاركة الفعالة باللغات الثلاث العربية الانكليزية و الفرنسية.
هذا الفضاء هو فضاؤكم فتفاعلوا معنا من اجل حماية البيئة و نشر الثقافة البيئية لدى الشعوب و الاوطان.
اخوكم جمال.

lundi 6 juillet 2009

Algeria ratified the Kyoto Protocol/2004

it was in 2004

The Global Environment Facility granted Algeria 4.5m euros to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and boost energy efficiency in the industrial sector as part of the its global campaign to battle climatic change.

"This financial contribution is to subsidize energy-efficient industrial investments," the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Tuesday (1 March 2005 ). Algeria ratified the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to curb global warming.
The move aims at achieving a sustainable development through supporting all initiatives in the fight again greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, elimination of toxic waste, agriculture recovery, and protection of biodiversity.

An education in botanical garden in algeria

Environmental school teaches Algiers youth to preserve nature


The newly-reopened botanical garden in Algiers offers an educational programme to elementary schoolchildren in the capital to learn about the importance of protecting the environment.

By Said Jameh for Magharebia in Algiers – 02/06/09

[Said Jameh] Algiers students receive hands-on training in the care of plants and animals at the environmental school.

To inspire the younger generation to preserve nature, the Algerian government founded a school to teach elementary students the value of the country's natural biological diversity. The location was a natural choice; the Jardin d’Essai du Hamma in Algiers is the largest botanical garden in Algeria, receiving thousands of visitors and boasting hundreds of species of plants and animals.

At the Environmental Educational School in Hamma, elementary school students receive lessons on ways to protect and preserve the environment. The authorities hope the lessons will energise young people to consider the environment and the dangers of pollution, which are subjects not often discussed in Algeria.

The new school – the first of its kind in Algeria – is located in the heart of the botanical garden, and caters to students aged 6 to 12 years. The facility consists of three large halls.

The first is the tutoring hall, equipped with multimedia equipment and internet access. This is where students learn to read and surf the web in both Arabic and French. The second hall is a laboratory furnished with state-of-the-art technical equipment, where the children learn the names of plants, their stages of growth and details of their care. The third hall, called the "animal hall", offers a variety of small animals on display for the children to study.

The school also offers libraries of Arabic and French books on animals, plants and environmental sciences donated by Algerian publishers.

"It is noteworthy that all lecture halls are lit by energy-saving lamps, donated by the National Agency for Promotion, Rationalisation and Utilisation of Energy (PRUE)," environmental studies professor Doria Louni told Magharebia.

"Also, much of the equipment is solar-powered. Children are informed about this, in order to raise their awareness on the importance of conserving energy and the environment," she said.

In fact, everything at the small school was designed with environmental impact and study in mind.

Right at the entrance is a small farm where children are taught how to care for plants. They also learn about drip-irrigation, which prevents the excessive use of water. Even the water pump is solar-powered.

To teach children how to observe weather changes, the National Meteorological Office donated an advanced instrument that was installed in the school playground.

"We are keen on teaching children that natural resources are not renewable, and therefore ought to be conserved," Jardin d’Essai director Abderrezzaq Ziriat told Le Jour d’Algérie on May 18th. "The Environmental Educational School teaches the coming generations the concepts of sustainable development that hinge on preserving one's environment."

The Environmental School only accepts students from within the capital for now, on account of their proximity to the garden. However, interest is also growing among principals from schools in neighbouring provinces

dimanche 5 juillet 2009

attention a la polution

des plages fermées à Marseille pour cause de pollution aux hydrocarbures

Depuis jeudi, plusieurs plages sont fermées à Marseille pour cause d'une pollution aux hydrocarbures.

Un dégazage sauvage pourrait être à l'origine de cette pollution qui touche depuis jeudi les plages de Marseille et de Cassis.

Jeudi 2 juillet, ce sont d'abord les plages de la Pointe Rouge et de la Vielle Chapelle qui ont été fermées avant de réouvrir ce vendredi matin après un nettoyage complet.

Mais une autre nappe, qui était visible dès jeudi devant le secteur pont de la Fausse Monnaie / Malmousque n'a visiblement pas été traitée. Résultat, depuis vendredi, la plage du Prophète est souillée. De nombreuses personnes sont rentrées de la plage les pieds entâchés de boulettes de pétrole. Ce samedi, c'est au tour de la plage des Catalans d'être touchée. En conséquence, la ville a fermé ce samedi ces deux plages afin qu'elles soient correctement traitées.

A Cassis également, on nous signale que la plage de la Grande Mer est elle aussi fermée. Même raisons : une pollution aux hydrocarbures a été repérée au large et pourrait être liée aux problèmes rencontrés à Marseille.

La police nationale va diligenter une enquête. Il y a quelques semaines, une pollution similaire liée à un dégazage sauvage avait touché les côtes du Cap Corse.

MAJ - Dim. 5 juillet // Toutes les plages sont désormais réouvertes au public.

Mais est ce que nos plages ferrons le même type de précaution et de vigilance

des nos Autorités Compétente.,???????

samedi 4 juillet 2009

Photos de MR djamel

- Environmental Journalism & Communication Worksholp



l 'ffaire de Tous

in my country ....




Know Your Environment

At the Academy of Natural Sciences, we are as concerned as you are about the world around us. Thus, with assistance from the Environmental Associates, we have created the Know Your Environment series. Our purpose is to help you become informed about issues of environmental concern by providing articles that are based on the latest scientific evidence. Our goal is not to advocate, but to inform.

As part of this effort to inform the public, the Associates and The Academy of Natural Sciences produce the Know Your Environment series. These articles are sent free-of-charge to thousands of newspapers, magazines, environmental organizations, reporters, legislators, educators, and individuals—and they are now available to anyone with access to the World Wide Web. They provide a more in-depth explanation of the science behind the issues that are often reported in the popular media.

We encourage everyone to read the articles, learn from the information, and share the knowledge they have gained. Reproduction and redistribution of any text within a Know Your Environment article is encouraged. (See Terms of Use for Know Your Environment.)

In the past, the Know Your Environment bulletins have:

  • been published in magazines and newsletters (in whole and in part);
  • been used by journalists and students doing major research;
  • become the basis for many teachers' lectures and lesson plans;
  • stimulated discussions in government agencies;
  • been incorporated into the activities of community groups.

We also welcome any suggestions or ideas for future articles that you may have. To submit comments or request a subcription to the print version of Know Your Environment, go to




Environmental Communication

The environment is a complex field in perpetual evolution in which everyone does not perceive in the same manner. This implies a specific communication which is articulated around the concepts of consensus, dialogue, partnership, pedagogy and ethics

Definition : Environmental communication involves the practices of communications carried out by the the media, public and provate organizations, political parties, and all other organizations involved with environmrntal matters. This topic is comprised of at least two realities: physical reality (air, water, fauna, flora, etc) and social reality (urban development, eco focused citizen activities, etc…).
The environmental questions are complex and this complexity comes as a private individual from the multiplicity from the actors who are concerned there. Indeed the actors of the environment belong to various statutes: they are elected officials, companies, associations, residents, private individuals, institutions, journalists local and national, experts, lawyers, scientists, parents, doctors.

Environmental questions are complex and provides the opportunity for many actors to explores these questions. The participants in this field include; elected officials, public and private sector enterprises, environmental organizations, law makers, scientists, parents, members of the medical profession.
Environmental questions are complex and provides the opportunity for many actors to explores these questions. The participants in this field include; elected officials, public and private sector enterprises, environmental organizations, law makers, scientists, parents, members of the medical profession .
One can observe various media approaches for environmental topics.
- an event-driven approach which treats primarily large catasprophes ecological or certain national or international associations (such that greenpeace…). This type of approach is especially useful for audio-visual reports or articles in the press
- a naturalist approach which is more cultural training. The purpose of this is to promote the beautyof nature. Algeria, with its immense territory and its natural assets is in great need for this kind of approach. (Example: Ushuaia, Géo…)
- an economic, technical approach and policy which stresses the political and scientific controversies but also expose the regulations and the economic impacts of the decisions taken. (Case of the weekly magazines like the Express train, the Point…)
Indeed the environment utilizes many parameters and it is difficult for a journalist to be qualified on scientific aspects and also legal, sociological, political, economic etc. Training is necessary for journalists.

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